Friday, April 28, 2006

SeR YuEan's book of ReCorDs..

WHOA~! today i made history by sleeping the longest i've every had.. which i think i did..i slept for 15 hours~! wow..i think it must have been the days i felt really stressed out cause of final assignments,can't sleep.. too much mapling,dota,o2jam and so on and so no time to update my blog eventhough i love too..haha well here are some of the stuff i did over the week.. :) today i dedicate my entry to judith a good friend i'll never forget and of course yeah you...Ronald Mcdonalds for ever coming up with the Mcdonalds idea..

Last monday we went to college and had to dress formal for our illustrati
ons critic. Susu and me in cheng kiats car comin home from illustration critic for our final assignment.. walaueh kena char teruk teruk from the lecturers.

okay.. anyway now i'm holidays for 3 weeks!! woot!!.. i went to college yesterday to check out some stuff about my results with few of my friends.. the superstar modal + singer Shaun! and our class best MC, best story teller and actor, WONG MENG KITT. lol okay anyway we ran around college looking for this and that lecturer. a lil tiring but hey..this's life..

Here's our future movie star and MC.. Mr Wong Meng Kitt....!!!

yeah okay.. anyway after doing all that crap and all.. they went their seperate ways and went back to enjoy our holidays!yes.. our.. ok anyway i went to see judith.. my faithful and good friend judith.. yeah she's having trouble with cold..hope she gets well soon.. she took the trouble to see me eventhough she's having a cold.. how sweet! haha.. well when i was waitng for her, i was feeling real hungry.. so i headed so my favourite fast food outlet.. guess where? to those ppl who know me out there.. yeah! you've guessed it right..! Mcdonald's! had my favourite burgers.. chicken burger.. yeah..not one but TWO you know.. lolz

Me and my horney face enjoying a couple of burgers at mcd's! yay

yeah've guessed it right..if only mcd's had my faces in it..then i'd be famous! oh it goes!

oh's magnificant! i'm sure mcd's will boost it's sales by a 100%.. lol okay that's crap..

My faithful burgers! suppose to wait for judith to come before touching the burgers..but my stomach couldn't wait so took one done first! hehe.. in my every mc's meal.. you're sure to find a chicken burger on my list.. oh no! bad news to all mcd's lover.. double cheez burger is back to it's normal price! NOOO~!! it's 5 bucks now..

Judith and I doing a lil camwhoring ourselves..actually i forced her to take a pic..since we never took a pic together before.. well.. here's where i end it.. see you guyz again in another chapter of my story.. wanna play maple now..haha.. chizo!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

~ : : duLL SuNd@E : : ~

Greetings... felt so tired this morning that I missed worship and everything. Must be my sleeping time..all screwed up.. lolz but I played an awesome game at bball.. lol haven't played futsal for sometime already..gotta brush up my skills. and of course a good game of DOTA too!

well anyway when we were at soo hwa's surprise party around sunway there was like this event going on by quiksilver and I have like no idea of when, where and what is it about..lolz anyway I have tickets for em. was suppose to it to kelvin and jason but they ended up not going anyway haha.. now they're at home collecting dust.. hehe

Free tickets from quiksilver.. got them after soo hwa bought her new purse.. :)

Yesterday i came across some really CRAZY!! videos from youtube..

check out these vids of ninja guys or more like crazy guys..

and yes ! i also came across some really weird videos..

well... have fun~!

HaPpY 19th BiRtHDaY tO SoO HwA 22nd April 1987

HaPpY BiRtHdAy SoO HwA~!

Guess what? Soo Hwa a year older! yay.. 22nd of aPriL 2006 we've decided to give our dear SoO HwA a suRpRiSE!! party for her in ReD BoX..well fortunately everything went well and we succeeded in surprising her..haha

here's a lil summary of how her day went. Well we started planning it like few days before her birthday, either that or probably the others already planned..just that i don't know being the usual blurcase. ANYWAY we(me and leong eng) was suppose to meet up with fatzeel around 1130 but ended up reaching bout 12 sumthin.. so when we arrived there, fatzeel, valerius, zhi kyu, chen cheat and justin were already there. After not too long when we got the cake and everything in redbox, shaun joins us. So our plan was like this. Xin and pei ying would bring susu out like those normal wud u say that? girls day out? so it'll be 3 of them to redbox just to celebrate her birthday. But we'll be there much earlier to prepare the stuff for her like booking the room, birthday cake and etc.. So when Xin and py reaches redbox, she'll msg or call justin. So everything went smoothly and that's when they enter the room, nobody was in the room but a cake and single lighted candle in the middle. And that's when we came in! She was really surprised..oh yes we could see that. Small tears of joy went down her cheeks.. OK..enough of the dramatic scene there.. so we sang a few song, ate a lil yada yada yada..and we head of to pyramid! our second home..1st is college.. since we spend most of our time there...our home(home) is just no more home. lolz.. so we hanged around A&W just to waste time and do unproductive stuff like cam whoring..haha after that we as good boys and girls head off for home after that.

Here are some of the photos we camwhored..

Soo Hwa, blowing the candles..hopefully it's only air she's blowing out from her mouth..

ThE CaKe!!! thE CaKE!!! kinda small but it sure did filled our was great.. :)

more camwhoring..
*ahem* *coughs*

Me and one of my dearest daughter.. Soo Hwa.. haha!

Orite...after that we headed to A&W.. i don't even know why we headed there but we did a couple of stuff like talking, admiring other peeps, and of course the things that we do the most best.. drawing!

A artwork by chen cheat.. :D a caricature of the one and only Lee Xin Xin~! *miao*

The girls hanging around.. they look pretty bored.. lolz

hmm..she's still thinking about all the pressies she's gonna get later.. can't wait to open em!

One of Soo Hwa's pressie from leongeng.. so cute and adorable..lolz who am i kidding.. her initials are written at the back of the bear.. :)

well..due to limited resources..not much pics are up.. well after that we just headed home.. wished it could last longer but like in a story, everything has a ending .......for today.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

HoLiDaYs~!! here i ComE! again...

uhuh~!..yeap...holidays are here again!.. yay.. finally out of all the stress and preassure from college. But well i still enjoy college too. I still get to see the ppl i enjoy being with the most.(u know who you are) haha!

Well..i was on my way home from college and when we were about to leave already, we stumbled on this well..not bad for a malaysian grafitti on the wall in Pjs9 area.. they're like grafitti everywhere on everywhere.. including houses with peeps in it.. lol what a pitty..

Malaysian street grafitti. wow..even i don't have that much time to spend.. lolz.. everything was done a normal house brick wall. Medium..spray paint for background the others..except the figures.. :)

While waiting for my turn to use the pc, i had really nothing to i headed to my toilet and guess what i've decided to drill on my toilet door? (toa students- look familiar?)

tadaa~! My collected souveneir from the One Academy of Communication and Design!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

ThE ReVivAL of THE bloG

YEAH~! it's been a while sinced i blog. Many thing have been done, many things has happened and a lot of time has gone through... it's been about 7 months since i've last updated.. YES!! 7 months believe it or not.. well here are some of the pictures that i didn't really get to post since then. But with the power of streamyx.. here are they~!

During our 2nd term break we had a small trip with some of my collegemates and guess where was our first place to head to.....Sunway Lagoon!! wow.. (eyes roling)

Here we have 4 macho hunks gracefully barging through sunway lagoon.. lolz

Here's Soo Hwa giving her once in a lifetime hair treatment to Fadzil. Hope he enjoys it while it last.. haha

After our really long day, since it was halloween, Leon took us the TGI! yay..! but before that we headed on to Toy's R Us!.. when i was small i used to call it toysaures..sounds like a dinosaur..

The new mascot for Toys R US! RaWR~!

when we went to toys r us, we found lotsa cool stuff for halloween..especially the costumes!

Elvis and Bob Marley decided to stopby toys r us for a drink.

more guests from another world...?!?

a photo I edited with photo shop..hmm.. soo hwa can't decide whether she's an angel or a devil. most probably the devil i know.. :P

well..after much fooling and meeting up with weird people around toys r us. we headed down to TGI Fridays(thank God it's Friday - for you people out there who goes there but never knew what it stands for)

Since it was Halloween, Fridays had a Halloween thing going was really cool. the atmosphere, the people, but the television spoiled everythin.lolz.

Akmal, Fadzil and I camwhoring with the foodzz..which you can't see any yet. cause we stole some from Leon and the others..woot!

Leon, Kian Meng and Soo Hwa....yeap! they look happy alright...

Traditional yam cha to celebrate the beginning of the holidays..wee!

Leon's taken a lil too much of the lemonade with a lil liquor in it....

Leon's a lil too high on the lemonade...yes you heard me.. lemonade!

Kian Meng's taking advantage of Leon while he's still drunk. Kiam Meng loves young cute boys.. 0_0'

Kian Meng going for other boys.. hmm what taste.. (one of the waiters in Fridays)

Everyone's tryings to fit in the box...had Fridays Worlds Most Famous Burger.. tasted great but didn't had chance to take a picture of it..was too hungry.

a rose among the thorns or a thorn among the roses..? lol..of course the latter. :P

our class rotten milk and me. Before departing...a lil camwhoring won't do harm after a long and interesting chapter in a story about a boy named seryuean.