HaPpY 19th BiRtHDaY tO SoO HwA 22nd April 1987
HaPpY BiRtHdAy SoO HwA~!Guess what? Soo Hwa a year older! yay.. 22nd of aPriL 2006 we've decided to give our dear SoO HwA a suRpRiSE!! party for her in ReD BoX..well fortunately everything went well and we succeeded in surprising her..haha
here's a lil summary of how her day went. Well we started planning it like few days before her birthday, either that or probably the others already planned..just that i don't know being the usual blurcase. ANYWAY we(me and leong eng) was suppose to meet up with fatzeel around 1130 but ended up reaching bout 12 sumthin.. so when we arrived there, fatzeel, valerius, zhi kyu, chen cheat and justin were already there. After not too long when we got the cake and everything in redbox, shaun joins us. So our plan was like this. Xin and pei ying would bring susu out like those normal er..how wud u say that? girls day out? so it'll be 3 of them to redbox just to celebrate her birthday. But we'll be there much earlier to prepare the stuff for her like booking the room, birthday cake and etc.. So when Xin and py reaches redbox, she'll msg or call justin. So everything went smoothly and that's when they enter the room, nobody was in the room but a cake and single lighted candle in the middle. And that's when we came in! She was really surprised..oh yes we could see that. Small tears of joy went down her cheeks.. OK..enough of the dramatic scene there.. so we sang a few song, ate a lil yada yada yada..and we head of to pyramid! our second home..1st is college.. since we spend most of our time there...our home(home) is just no more home. lolz.. so we hanged around A&W just to waste time and do unproductive stuff like cam whoring..haha after that we as good boys and girls head off for home after that.
Here are some of the photos we camwhored..

Soo Hwa, blowing the candles..hopefully it's only air she's blowing out from her mouth..

ThE CaKe!!! thE CaKE!!! kinda small but it sure did filled our stomach..it was great.. :)

more camwhoring.. *ahem* *coughs*

Me and one of my dearest daughter.. Soo Hwa.. haha!
Orite...after that we headed to A&W.. i don't even know why we headed there but we did a couple of stuff like talking, admiring other peeps, and of course the things that we do the most best.. drawing!

A artwork by chen cheat.. :D a caricature of the one and only Lee Xin Xin~! *miao*

The girls hanging around.. they look pretty bored.. lolz

hmm..she's still thinking about all the pressies she's gonna get later.. can't wait to open em!

One of Soo Hwa's pressie from leongeng.. so cute and adorable..lolz who am i kidding.. her initials are written at the back of the bear.. :)
well..due to limited resources..not much pics are up.. well after that we just headed home.. wished it could last longer but like in a story, everything has a ending .......for today.
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