HoLiDaYs~!! here i ComE! again...
uhuh~!..yeap...holidays are here again!.. yay.. finally out of all the stress and preassure from college. But well i still enjoy college too. I still get to see the ppl i enjoy being with the most.(u know who you are) haha!Well..i was on my way home from college and when we were about to leave already, we stumbled on this well..not bad for a malaysian grafitti on the wall in Pjs9 area.. they're like grafitti everywhere on everywhere.. including houses with peeps in it.. lol what a pitty..
Malaysian street grafitti. wow..even i don't have that much time to spend.. lolz.. everything was done a normal house brick wall. Medium..spray paint for background the others..except the figures.. :)

While waiting for my turn to use the pc, i had really nothing to i headed to my toilet and guess what i've decided to drill on my toilet door? (toa students- look familiar?)

tadaa~! My collected souveneir from the One Academy of Communication and Design!!
lol..i 1st time see m'sia graffitti..
but the character is abit too comic la..i like grafic style more..but still, good try..i think this graffitti is toa student's art tho
haha.. that a "cool" pic i spose..
has its own unique style... love the puzzle parts but the cartoons at the side... went a lil too far...
other than that.. its good graffitti..
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