~ : : duLL SuNd@E : : ~
Greetings... felt so tired this morning that I missed worship and everything. Must be my sleeping time..all screwed up.. lolz but I played an awesome game at bball.. lol haven't played futsal for sometime already..gotta brush up my skills. and of course a good game of DOTA too!well anyway when we were at soo hwa's surprise party around sunway there was like this event going on by quiksilver and I have like no idea of when, where and what is it about..lolz anyway I have tickets for em. was suppose to it to kelvin and jason but they ended up not going anyway haha.. now they're at home collecting dust.. hehe

Free tickets from quiksilver.. got them after soo hwa bought her new purse.. :)
Yesterday i came across some really CRAZY!! videos from youtube..
check out these vids of ninja guys or more like crazy guys..
and yes ! i also came across some really weird videos..
well... have fun~!
hey long time no chat de...anyway cool la..the ninja wan....i oso got the same clips...nice rite....richard ere..
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