ThE ReVivAL of THE bloG
YEAH~! it's been a while sinced i blog. Many thing have been done, many things has happened and a lot of time has gone through... it's been about 7 months since i've last updated.. YES!! 7 months believe it or not.. well here are some of the pictures that i didn't really get to post since then. But with the power of streamyx.. here are they~!During our 2nd term break we had a small trip with some of my collegemates and guess where was our first place to head to.....Sunway Lagoon!! wow.. (eyes roling)

Here we have 4 macho hunks gracefully barging through sunway lagoon.. lolz

Here's Soo Hwa giving her once in a lifetime hair treatment to Fadzil. Hope he enjoys it while it last.. haha
After our really long day, since it was halloween, Leon took us the TGI! yay..! but before that we headed on to Toy's R Us!.. when i was small i used to call it toysaures..sounds like a dinosaur..

The new mascot for Toys R US! RaWR~!
when we went to toys r us, we found lotsa cool stuff for halloween..especially the costumes!

Elvis and Bob Marley decided to stopby toys r us for a drink.

more guests from another world...?!?

a photo I edited with photo shop..hmm.. soo hwa can't decide whether she's an angel or a devil. most probably the devil i know.. :P
well..after much fooling and meeting up with weird people around toys r us. we headed down to TGI Fridays(thank God it's Friday - for you people out there who goes there but never knew what it stands for)
Since it was Halloween, Fridays had a Halloween thing going was really cool. the atmosphere, the people, but the television spoiled everythin.lolz.

Akmal, Fadzil and I camwhoring with the foodzz..which you can't see any yet. cause we stole some from Leon and the others..woot!

Leon, Kian Meng and Soo Hwa....yeap! they look happy alright...

Traditional yam cha to celebrate the beginning of the holidays..wee!

Leon's taken a lil too much of the lemonade with a lil liquor in it....

Leon's a lil too high on the lemonade...yes you heard me.. lemonade!

Kian Meng's taking advantage of Leon while he's still drunk. Kiam Meng loves young cute boys.. 0_0'

Kian Meng going for other boys.. hmm what taste.. (one of the waiters in Fridays)

Everyone's tryings to fit in the box...had Fridays Worlds Most Famous Burger.. tasted great but didn't had chance to take a picture of it..was too hungry.

a rose among the thorns or a thorn among the roses..? lol..of course the latter. :P

our class rotten milk and me. Before departing...a lil camwhoring won't do harm after a long and interesting chapter in a story about a boy named seryuean.
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