SeR YuEan's book of ReCorDs..
WHOA~! today i made history by sleeping the longest i've every had.. which i think i did..i slept for 15 hours~! wow..i think it must have been the days i felt really stressed out cause of final assignments,can't sleep.. too much mapling,dota,o2jam and so on and so no time to update my blog eventhough i love too..haha well here are some of the stuff i did over the week.. :) today i dedicate my entry to judith a good friend i'll never forget and of course yeah you...Ronald Mcdonalds for ever coming up with the Mcdonalds idea..
Last monday we went to college and had to dress formal for our illustrations critic. Susu and me in cheng kiats car comin home from illustration critic for our final assignment.. walaueh kena char teruk teruk from the lecturers.
okay.. anyway now i'm holidays for 3 weeks!! woot!!.. i went to college yesterday to check out some stuff about my results with few of my friends.. the superstar modal + singer Shaun! and our class best MC, best story teller and actor, WONG MENG KITT. lol okay anyway we ran around college looking for this and that lecturer. a lil tiring but hey..this's life..

Here's our future movie star and MC.. Mr Wong Meng Kitt....!!!
yeah okay.. anyway after doing all that crap and all.. they went their seperate ways and went back to enjoy our holidays!yes.. our.. ok anyway i went to see judith.. my faithful and good friend judith.. yeah she's having trouble with cold..hope she gets well soon.. she took the trouble to see me eventhough she's having a cold.. how sweet! haha.. well when i was waitng for her, i was feeling real hungry.. so i headed so my favourite fast food outlet.. guess where? to those ppl who know me out there.. yeah! you've guessed it right..! Mcdonald's! had my favourite burgers.. chicken burger.. yeah..not one but TWO you know.. lolz

Me and my horney face enjoying a couple of burgers at mcd's! yay

yeah've guessed it right..if only mcd's had my faces in it..then i'd be famous! oh it goes!

oh's magnificant! i'm sure mcd's will boost it's sales by a 100%.. lol okay that's crap..

My faithful burgers! suppose to wait for judith to come before touching the burgers..but my stomach couldn't wait so took one done first! hehe.. in my every mc's meal.. you're sure to find a chicken burger on my list.. oh no! bad news to all mcd's lover.. double cheez burger is back to it's normal price! NOOO~!! it's 5 bucks now..

Judith and I doing a lil camwhoring ourselves..actually i forced her to take a pic..since we never took a pic together before.. well.. here's where i end it.. see you guyz again in another chapter of my story.. wanna play maple now..haha.. chizo!