What has happened...
hmm.. lotsa things happened... just that i'm a lil lazy to write a composition... so I'll just list them down.. lolz- Steve Irwin passed away.. T_T on the 4th of September 2006 will miss him and his shows.. w-nye said we don't really know him but we feel as if he already know him..haha R.I.P Steve Irwin.. 1962 - 2006
- Bro got 2 cray fishes..! cute.. 1 blue-ish green another red-ish.. the blue-ish one named dr.zoidberg and the other fry~!! for people who don't know what a crayfish is.. it's a mini lobster.. haha and some more weird pets coming up.. X)
- Will be going for a pet hunt on saturday with the gang.. X) hope to see more weird as funny pets.. and oh yes.. sugar glider coming.. don't know what it is? erm.. its like a flying squirrel.. just that it's like a mouse.. in the marsupial family.. X)

This is drzoidberg~!! named after the funny creature in the comedy series done by matt groening..futurama! same creator of the simpsons

This my friends.. is FRY!! slightly bigger compared to drzoidberg... X) bullies drzoidberg a lot.. steals his food.. zzzzzzzz~!

For those who don't know what a sugar glider is.. this is it! wee~~! it's a baby sugar glider by the way..ain't it cute? btw a baby sugar glider cost more then an adult one..
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