~ HARDCORE mapling ~
hello..sorry for taking so long to update my blog here's a reason why I took so long to update my blog but it is rather interesting or rather boring for other ppl, a chapter of my life. Yes. you've read the title correctly. Countless hours of mapling everyday during the holidays have actually brought benefits to me. I've got new friends! yes all from singapore since the majority of maple'ers are from singapore..woot! ok anyway during my journey in maple story, i've joined a group which is called a guild. Which is like a clan or something. My first assumption of people in maple story is like it's everyone for himself and no one gives a shit about anyone. Well the people in this guild proved me wrong. They are nice people. They encourage one another, help each other out and best thing of all, they're all caring. So I've decided as a participating member, i might as well give some contribution by creating a blog/webpage for our guild which is called ChaosRider. Feel free to check out the page. www.chaosrider.r8.org
My concept banner for our guild :) that's DestinyBOI (gary), RazorZen(me-sorry jason took your account haha), and our leader gameger(carol).

Few of the key members of the guild - | FireMage | , BabyZelfi , RazorZen , LordDinosaur , and last but not least our guild master gameger with her pet Husky.