the Sun will come out.. Tomorrow~!
oh yeah... finally an update...sorry for the long long break from blogging..RAWR! ok lets see... update on the pets~! oh yes.. well 2 of the crayfish died.. =.=" dunno what my bro doing... and yes~! there is a whole aquarium of crabs~! 8 of em... don't think my bro would've named every single one of them.. but heck they're a happy colony now.. ^^ our pet sugar glider, moochi is doing fine.. much fatter than before.. worms worms worms~! she's getting much used to my bro handling her now.. she's less afraid and don't crab much.. before that she does a lot of crabbing..(sounds made from sugar gliders). bro bought 5 scorpions.. forgeten what you call em.. 1 given to Jason.. 3 died.. O.O"" anyway.. here are some of the pictures my bro took. oh yeah btw ppl bought me cash items for my birthday present in maple~!! WOOT~! my dexless sin at lvl 40 coming out 2k dmg~!! double WOOT~! kk here are some of the pictures..
excilicaudagertchi aka arizona bark scopion(i think) this thing is really small.. its about 1 or 1.5cm no bigger than ur baby pinky..

a closer look on how sugar gliders look like.. no.. no.. sorry dudes.. this ain't moochi.. dunno when bro will take photo with her.. you all have to wait~!..